Property Management New Zealand - Auckland

0 reviews


716 Linwood Road
Karaka 2580
New Zealand
Phone number:
09-215 4123

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Visa payment accepted Electron payment accepted Cash payment accepted Mastercard payment accepted Paypal payment accepted

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Company description

PMNZ is a trusted Property Management Company. Our Director, Neil O'Connor, has been involved in Property Management and Real Estate Sales since 1986 and AREINZ qualified since 1995. We know, respect and understand from experience that only by maintaining high quality service will we secure your trust. We are committed to providing the highest level of property management services for our tenants and investment property owners alike. Being Premium Members of LPMA, an elite group of specialist property managers and property management businesses across Australasia help us provide our clients with the most up to date systems and procedures to ensure we can deliver on our commitment.


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