Bean Merchant

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109 Ward Street
Hamilton Central Hamilton Central
Hamilton 3204
New Zealand
Phone number:


0:00 - 0:00
0:00 - 0:00
0:00 - 0:00
0:00 - 0:00
0:00 - 0:00
0:00 - 0:00
0:00 - 0:00

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Company description

monthly coffee bean subscription Bean Merchant Hamilton

Hey Hamilton, we're in town:

I didn’t grow up drinking coffee, but it was around. And I don’t mean coffee like “mmm coffee” I mean coffee like “put another two or three spoonfuls in the plunger, make it strong as hell, that’ll get us through.” And I thought like that, for a long time. Drinking strong, bitter, barely drinkable coffee that purged my insides as it was digested, but gave me the oomph I needed to get through the days.

It wasn’t until an ex-girlfriend of mine bought me a coffee machine that I really got into it. You know, the “let's get all the peeps around and serve them a coffee” kind of thing. The “are we doing Sunday brunch? I’ll do the coffee” kind of jam. The “my coffees are surprisingly better than cafe ones” sort of vibe.

And then I discovered coffee roasters. The freshly roasted, fragrant, incredibly delicious, perfectly brewed coffee that comes out of their enterprises. The beans that haven’t been sitting on the supermarket shelves for weeks or months before being dissolved in my brewer. A bag of coffee that I didn’t choose just because it had a cool-looking guy with a moustache on the front.

The issue is that they’re all so different. The different regions, climates, altitudes, processing methods, and roast profiles. It was a full day’s work to even try to decide which one to go with.
Cue Bean Merchant’s quiz. The website filters through NZ’s top coffee and uses algorithms to match you with a monthly coffee bean subscription from the best roasters in the land, that suits your taste buds, and delivers to your door.

That’s what we’re all about, delivering an espresso bean subscription that completes you. An espresso bean subscription that you can write to Nan about and say “Hey Nan, I’ve got great coffee.” Or invite your friends around and serve them a quick cup of joe that says “mmm yum I’m delicious, I go really well with the biscuits that Mandy brought.”

Give the quiz a go, and see what kind of coffee you get matched with. It’s free to do, there are no hidden charges, and if you decide to go through with the monthly coffee bean subscription, I’ll give you $5 off with this code: ‘quiz$5starter’

So come on Hamilton, share it with your Nan, and your brother, and let them know that your place is “chic” with the greatest coffee bean subscription service in the land now. (Is that how you use the word chic? I’m not sure, someone tell me if I’m way off course with this one). Or better yet, get yourself a monthly coffee bean subscription box and then buy a coffee subscription for someone else. In fact, it's a great gift for all your mates. Got a birthday coming up? Best coffee club subscription 2022. Is it Christmas time? Everyone can have a coffee subscription. Someone back from overseas? Get them the best coffee club subscription 2022. Is it Monday? You know what I'm going to say! Get someone a monthly coffee bean subscription just for the start of their week!

Keep cool, and drink sensational coffee.

monthly coffee bean subscription Bean Merchant Hamilton

More details

Monthly Coffee Subscription
Espresso bean subscription
Best coffee subscription 2022
Best coffee club subscription
Coffee bean subscription service


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